Bureau Cokot

Production and distribution

Julie Le Gall


Logo : Augustin Caradec


Le Bureau Cokot was created by Hanna El Fakir and Julie Le Gall in 2015 and run together till 2018. From 2019 onwards Julie Le Gall has managed Cokot and is currently collaborating on production and/or distribution with the following artists or projects:

-Calixto Neto

-Lucía García Pullés

-Martin Gil

-En mission de diffusion auprès de Sarah Baltzinger et Isaish Wilson pour le projet MEGASTRUCTURE

Has collaborated with:

Mariano Pensotti
Lola Arias
– Dominique Brun/Les Porteurs d’Ombre
Moya Michael
– Mathilde Monnier,

La Ribot

– Tiago Rodrigues

Marina De Caro with Lucila Piffer

– Luis Biasotto
– Gerardo Naumann
– Cyril Teste
– Krystian Lupa
– Frederico Leon